How It Works

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Desi West Brand Ambassador?

Simply put, these awesome people help us spread the Desi West movement, showing their love for the brand while scoring free swag and cash along the way! Our Ambassadors are outgoing individuals who are active in their communities and motivated to make the world a better place.

By becoming an Ambassador, you’ll get access to free swag and cool perks, plus an exclusive referral code that your friends, family, and followers can use to shop at 20% off. And did we mention we’ll give you 10% commission on each sale you make?

To be a Desi West Brand Ambassador, you must be active on social media and over the age of 18. We’re currently accepting applications from America, Canada, Europe and Indian residents!

To make Ambassador payments as easy as possible, we pay Ambassador commissions via PayPal, a free service that’s super quick and easy to sign up for, or as discussed. To apply as an Ambassador, you are recommended to have PayPal to signup. To get started, head to to create your account.

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