Lilly Singh live in performance at YouTube Fanfest 2016 in Toronto at the Canadian Molson Amphitheatre. iiSuperwomanii performs her newly released mini album titled “Voices” at YouTube Fanfest 2016. Away from home while she was on a world tour, Lilly Singh has also performed at YouTube Fanfest in Mumbai as well as Trinidad and Tobago and many other countries.

Lilly Singh iiSuperwomanii Live in Perfomrance at YTFF 2016

Superwoman takes the Molson Canadian amphitheatre stage and gives an amazing performance of her latest release Voices! BestFan and our host Nairisha Batada take you in front of all the action! BestFanTV

Lilly Singh Live in Performance at Canadian Molson Amphitheatre

YouTube Fanfest 2016 Lilly Singh

Lilly Singh iiSuperwomanii Live in Performance Toronto YouTube Fanfest 2016

To this day Lilly Singh iiSuperwomanii is an inspiration to all “unicorns” worldwide as she continues to motivate and entertain her audience on a daily basis. Hands down Lilly Singh iiSuperwomanii plays an important role in today’s wishy-washy, zombie like society. “One Love Superwoman that is a wrap!”